Monday, April 20, 2015

48 Hour Fast

So I did my fast during a 4 day camping trip to Catalina Island.  It was pretty easy not being able to use my device because I didn't have any service, and I didn't have any source of power to charge my phone so when it died it died for good.  I think of my phone as a burden sometimes because it's my only connection to the rest of the world and I have to have it with me because of work.  Not having to worry about my phone or if anyone was contacting me was really nice.  I liked not having to deal with technology for 4 days.  I was able to focus on the outdoors and doing more of what I love.  I was able to wake up and go hiking all day everyday without having to deal with phone calls and pesky text messages, or have people keep tabs on what I'm doing, where I'm doing it and who I'm with. When I got back from the trip, I started to use my phone more scarcely.  I realized that I don't need electronics in my everyday life to get the most out of each day, our phones are there for convenience and entertainment.  I don't feel like I missed out on much.  I did have to bring my regular camera for the trip to take pictures, but it was nice to turn it on, take the picture, and turn it right back off.  If I could, I would do the fast again but for a longer period of time.  I can't stress enough how much I enjoyed not having to rely or use technology.

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